+34 634 05 05 64|info@waterman.si

Novice Lanzarote

Vodič po otoku Lanzarote, Kanarski otoki


Klikni na sliko, če želiš izvedeti več o samem otoku Lanzarote!



Kratek  film o surfanju petletnikov na otoku Lanzarote.

movie: SURF GANG

Paco Val Hugo


Waterman na TravelStarter-ju

Kmalu bosta dve leti, od kar smo prvič stopili na otok Lanzarote in začeli pisati zgodbo o Waterman Lanzarote. Lahko rečemo, da smo se v tem času dodobra spoznali z otokom, ljudmi in postali delček njega.

Mislimo, da je zopet čas za nekaj velikega!

Tokrat s pomočjo TravelStarterja zbiramo sredstva za postavitev mongolskega šotora-yurte v Famari, vasici, kjer tudi sami stanujemo. Sam šotor bo imel ves luksuz samega apartmaja (pohištvo, kopalnico, kuhinjo), s tem da bo bivanje v njem prijetnejše, predvsem pa drugačno, bolj prvinsko. Samim gostom želimo približati občutek divjine, kjer lahko popolnoma odklopijo in se le prepustijo oceanu, toplini sonca ter bučanju valov.

Če vas zanima več o našem projektu, kliknite na spodnji link, mi “Watermani” pa vam bomo zelo hvaležni, če nam boste pomagali in prispevali k uresničitvi našega zastavljenega cilja.

Ponujamo vam pet nagrad. Prvi dve sta bolj simbolične narave (razglednica ter majčka), pri ostalih treh pa se lahko preizkusite v surfanju, supanju ter kajtanju, obenem pa prespite v yurti. Če vam po žilah teče vsaj malo adrenalina, je obisk Lanzarota in Waterman šole nujen. Do nas leti večina nizkocenovnih letalskih prevoznikov iz vseh večjih Evropskih mest. Povratne letalske vozovnice lahko dobite že za dobrih 100 evrov.

Za vsakršno pomoč vam bomo iz srca hvaležni.
Upamo pa, da se vidimo kmalu!

link: https://www.travelstarter.com/projects/surf___kite_in_canary_islands/268

“New toy” on board


Bodysurf handboard

Everything started when the waves were too bumpy to surf.  Usually we have been just playing around in the shallow water with children and try to catch some “waves”. The idea was just having some FUN and seize the moment. Once we had our usual “merienda”-snack time on the beach Toni-the WATERMAN came out with this idea to build bodysurfing boards on his own. He is the one responsible for all the innovations in the house. Already in few days he managed to get some old broken boards from a friend and started to shape small hand boards. They looked like the boards for dollys :). The most important think is  that the whole hand board is made out from recycling materials! RECYCLE + USE= ENJOY After trying them we saw that this is such a fun. Our opinion is that everybody who would like to try surfing, should prior spend some time playing about in the shore break, trying to catch waves and learn how the ocean works. Bodysurfing is not as easy as you may think. To get the right out of it you also need to learn a few simple techniques and It is also the best way to become all around “waterman”. If you are interested to try them, you are more than welcome to visit us in Famara, Lanzarote ( www.waterman.si)

Spela riding the Storm!

“WATERMAN” zgodba v reviji Avtodom

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” Če koga zanima, kako smo iztopili iz cone udobja, da bi spremenili svoj življenski slog mora prebrati članek, ki je izšel v novembrski številki revije Avtodom. Tako nekako se je začela tudi naša “Waterman” zgodba na otoku Lanzarote. Hvala reviji AVTODOM za super objavo! Pe lepo branje 😉

Lanzarote waterman avtodom revija

Electric Love

Famara Lanzarote Electric Love

Famara Lanzarote Electric Love

Electric Love tells the story of Venus, a girl desperate for some surfing and on her way to the secret beach.
She is a bit lost on the open road and no one seems to be able to help her. Till, out of the blue, a stranger appears on an electric horse. She trades her trousers for a ride to the beach and looses her heart in heaven.
Venus shows us that if you make the right choices the most amazing things in life are free.
Use the power of the sun, go with the wind and your dreams will become your life before you know it!
This film is the heart of our campaign to turn Lanzarote into an island run by sustainable energy resources, like windmills, photovoltaics and wavemachines. The ultimate goal is a Famaraiso windmill with 2.4MW, which will power all our dreams 😉 It will be our green living monument…
…..so that when the moment comes
we can say we did it all with Love….“

Strapless one line kitesurfing

Strapless one line kitesurfing by 5 years old boy Val Zupančič


WATERMAN OCEAN THERAPY – Famara, Lanzarote island from Waterman.si on Vimeo.

Da dež, megla, mraz ne pridejo do živega, imamo za vas “WATERMAN OCEAN TERAPIJO” SURF + KITE + SUP + ENDLESS SUMMER = LANZAROTE Doživi POČITNICE in OCEAN z WATERMAN.si


Članek o zgodbi WATERMAN.SI objavljen v časopisu DELO, 11. junij 2014 Waterman si DELO